We are pleased to say you can listen again, or catch up, from several different sources.

The first method is to use the Hearthis.at embedded player below for the latest show. Or visit https://hearthis.at/al-smart/ for a selected number of other shows.

The second link takes you to the Playback service of our long time friends at Radio Broadgreen in Liverpool (click on the link when you are ready: it will open in a new tab). Look for Easy Sunday. Whilst you are there have a listen to some of the other great shows (after Easy Sunday of course!)

The third link takes you to the Playback service of our friends at Alde & Blyth Community Radio (click on the link when you are ready: it will open in a new tab). Look for Easy Sunday. Whilst you are there have a listen to some of the other great shows (after Easy Sunday of course!)